Status Update

Our projects have been dormant for quite a while, as some of you may have noticed. I’d quickly like to adress the reasons for that, as only our discord members really know them so far.

Development Blog #3

As you might have noticed it’s been a while since the last development blog now. This was mainly due to all of us being more or less busy with all sorts of stuff which had […]

Development Blog #2

Two weeks after our first development blog entry, here comes the second one. Currently it seems like a two-week rythm is appropriate since every entry includes a decent amount of new stuff this way. As […]

Development Blog #1 – We got a website

If you can read this you have reached our new Website. Since our projects are more and more taking shape and our decision to do some kind of development blog to keep you folks up to date we decided to pick up a webhosting package and a domain to finally move away from the limitations of a page…